
Welcome to Outdoor Yak!

Our mission is to inspire, guide, and empower you to get outside more.

We believe that life is meant to be lived outdoors, and we’re here to help you make the most of it. So, lace up your boots, grab your backpack, and join us on this incredible journey.

Together, let’s explore the world and create unforgettable memories, one step at a time.

Thanks for joining us!

hiking mountains

About the Site Owner

Hi, I’m Simon, the adventurer (and computer geek) behind Outdoor Yak.

I am a bit of a Nomad, but I am originally from California. I love to hike just about everywhere, especially in the Sierra Nevada mountain range, and discover local trails by both bike and foot.

Thanks for visiting – I hope you get lots of value and enjoy my articles. If you have a question or want to reach out – contact us.